A binary tree is a finite set of elements that is either empty or is partitioned into three disjoint subset of tree.The first subset contains a single element called the root and other two are left and right sub trees which
can be also empty.Each element of a binary tree is called nodes of the tree.
A rooted tree is called binary tree if every internal vertex has no more than two children.
Types of Binary tree:_
a)Strictly / fully binary tree
b)complete binary tree
c)almost complete binary tree
a)Strictly/full binary tree
If every non-leaf node in binary tree has non-empty left and right sub tree then it is called strictly binary tree i.e. every internal node has exactly two children.It must contains n=2L-1 nodes and i=L-1 internal nodes for L leaves.
b)complete binary tree
It is strictly binary tree of depth d whose all leaves are at level d.It contains 2^h ( 2^d ) nodes at height h.
c)almost complete binary tree
A binary tree of depth d is an almost complete binary tree if -
1)Any node (nd) at level less than d-1 has two sons
2)For any node (nd) in the tree with right descendant at level d,must have a left son and every left descendent of node (nd) is either a leaf at level d or has two sons.
For inserting a node in binary tree
i)Declare and initialize necessary variables
ii)Read the data item to be inserted in the tree say x
iii)create a new node with its left and right pointer to NULL
iv)Assign data x to info field of new node
v) IF(tree==NULL)
tree=address of new node
ELSE IF(x<tree->info) ------------------( 1 )
tree->left=new node
Repeat from line no 1
ELSE IF(x>tree->info)------------------( 2 )
tree->right=new node
Repeat form line no 2
ELSE IF(x==tree->info )
Print”Duplicated data”and exit
vi)For next insertion go to step 5
Deletion in binary tree
i)Declare and initialize necessary variables
ii)read data to be deleted say x
iii)Find the node where data is exist
IF node is not found
Print”Node not found ” and exit
v)IF the node has no subtrees
then assign the father node’s pointer with NULL that points to the node
delete the node that contains data item
v)IF the node has to be deleted has only one sub tree
move its son up to take it place
delete the node that contains data item
vi)IF the node has to be deleted of node to be deleted
set the information of node to be deleted by the information of leftmost node of right
sub tree of the node to be deleted
vii)For next deletion go to step2
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