Constraint programming is a useful tool in formulating and solving problems that can be defined in terms of constraint among a set of variables. In fact real world problems are constraint satisfaction problems defined in terms of some variables that bear some constraints. Finding a set of variables, that are within the constraints given(or observed) is a solution to that problem.
Let us consider a problem, that can be represented by some relations of the variables x, y and z. We have a domain Dx, Dy, Dz from where the variables can take a value. The constraint is given by a set C and may have a number of constraints C1,C2,C3,etc each relating some or all of the variables x,y and z. Now a solution (or solutions) to the problem is a set dx,dy,dz such that dx Dx, dy Dy and dz Dz and all the constraints of the set C are satisfied.
Eight queens problem
Eight queens problem is a constraint satisfaction problem. The task is to place eight queens in the 64 available squares in such a way that no queen attacks eachother. So the problem can be formulated with variables x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8 and y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6, y7,y8; the xs represent the rows and ys the column. Now a solution for this problem is to assign values for x and for y such that the constraint is satisfied.
The problem can be formulated as
where (x1,y1) gives the position of the first queen and so on.
So it can be clearly seen that the domains for xi and yi are
Dx = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}and Dy ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} respectively.